Gear Checklist

3 x T-shirts (no mid-riff or sleeveless shirts allowed)

3 x pairs of shorts

2 x long sleeve shirts or jumpers

2 x pair of long pants for cold weather

Spare socks and underwear

Hat or cap and beanie

1 x raincoat


1 x pillow and pillow case

1 x sleeping bag or sheet/s with blanket

1 x water bottle (1 litre capacity minimum)

Insect repellent and Sunscreen

2 x pairs of sensible joggers or boots (1 old pair that you can get wet – no thongs!)

2 x plastic bags to put your dirty or wet clothes in


2 x towels (1 for outdoors, 1 for showers)


Hair tie for abseiling (if you have long hair)

Optional Items – Camera

Note:      In addition to the above items it is also recommended that you bring a small day pack so that personal items such as medications, water bottles, hats, raincoats, insect repellents and sunscreens can be easily carried during the day.
